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Season of Discovery Phase 2: In-Depth Class Tier List Analysis

Season of Discovery Phase 2: In-Depth Class Tier List Analysis

As we venture further into the Season of Discovery Phase 2, players are keen to understand the evolving landscape of class performance. With new runes on the horizon and gameplay dynamics shifting, it's crucial to assess where each class stands. This tier list will provide a snapshot of the classes' current standing and their projected success in Phase 2.

Class Performance Criteria

Our tier list is crafted from extensive gameplay experience and analysis of the new runes. We consider various factors, including DPS output, healing capabilities, utility, and adaptability to Phase 2's challenges. Each class is evaluated for its fun factor, ease of play, and overall contribution to raid and PvP environments.

S Tier: Dominant Classes in Phase 2

SoD Phase Tier S Class List

  • Druids reign supreme in the S tier with their versatile specs and significant updates. Their ability to deliver high DPS, efficient healing, and excellent utility makes them a top contender.
  • Mages also claim their spot here, with their newfound healing capabilities and strong DPS output that has been improved by mana addressing runes through damage enhancing ones.

A Tier: Strong Performers with Potential in Phase 2

SoD Phase 2 Tier A Class List

  • Hunters lead the A tier pack with their consistent damage and low gear dependency. Their new runes focus on melee specialization that would shake up how they played before them.
  • Shamans are also high in A tier due to the introduction of Maelstrom Weapon, enhancing their damage and healing output.
  • Priests find their place here as well, with runes that significantly boost both shadow and healing specs.
  • Warlocks, while still powerful, land at the lower end of A tier. Their Phase 2 rune preview seems underwhelming compared to other classes but they hold steady primarily due to what they can do already.

B Tier: Classes Facing Challenges in Phase 2

SoD Phase 2 Tier B Class List

Paladins are placed in B tier not for a lack of strength but due to their overshadowed presence in Phase 1. With most paladins transitioning to other classes, they‘ve seen less representation. However, new runes and quality-of-life improvements could see them rise in the ranks as healers and tanks.

Varied Scenarios

SoD Phase Class Tier List Varied Scenarios

Warriors and Rogues present unique cases. Their placement could dramatically shift based on whether mobs in the upcoming raids are immune to bleeds and poisons.

  • If immunities are in place, both classes may see a dip in their effectiveness that will change their S to A tier rating respectively.
  • However, if bleed and poison effects remain viable, they could continue to excel at the top of the charts.


The Season of Discovery Phase 2 brings an exciting and dynamic shift to class performance. This tier list serves as a guide to help players navigate these changes. Keep in mind that personal enjoyment and playstyle preference are also critical factors in choosing your class.

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