Which specific specialization may bloom during the Season of Discovery in Phase 2?
- Cheryl
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- WoW Classic SoD
- 02/10/24
- 255
The anticipation is high for the upcoming rollout of phase two, Season of Discovery, for World of Warcraft Classic. Which specializations will standout as patch day comes around? The changes range from redesigned talent system, abilities as well as new runes that will be introduced into the gameplay making some specs to receive a definitive boost in performance. In this guide we are going to take a look at the preferred specs coming up next.
- Mage: FrostFire Bolt Dynamo
- Hunter: Melee Evolution
- Paladin: Shockadin's Potential
- Rogue: The Tanking Revolution
- Shaman: Elemental Surge
- Conclusion
↖ Mage: FrostFire Bolt Dynamo
One popular specification is frostfire bolt mage. Continuing from where we stopped in phase 1, Mages are set to receive runes and talents that would give them a significant boost. On one hand, with talents like Ice Shards and Ignite, it is believed that spell called "FrostFire bolt' which does dual-type damage synergizes well and can lead to big increase in crit damage output.
It is possible for Mages' single-target damage figures to sky-rocket with some few right rune combinations such as frost firebolts fingers of frost icy veins brain freeze.
↖ Hunter: Melee Evolution
Hunters have been traditionally ranged fighters but Phase 2 might make melee an option worth considering. The improved Beast Mastery talents together with new runes such as Heart of the Lion and Flanking Strike could revolutionize melee style hunter playstyle.
They include the Melee Specialist Rune which would reduce Raptor Strike cooldowns while fitting perfectly with Flanking Strike thus creating an active fast paced combat atmosphere.Rogues willing to embrace their new roles may find themselves on cutting edge innovations.
↖ Paladin: Shockadin Potential
A shockadin paladin who deals damage has always been a dream for many players since the earliest days of WoW, and Phase 2 could be the time to make that dream a reality.
Using talents which buff abilities like Holy Power and Seal of Righteousness, with runes that improve Exorcism and Holy Shock, Paladins can open up an entire new dimension of offensive potential. Although it may not be topping damage meters immediately, the spec has massive room for growth making it one to watch.
↖ Rogue: The Tanking Revolution
Rogues have always been about stealth and burst damage; some are going to tank in phase 2. By addressing issues such as AoE damage and combo point retention that previously limited Rogue tanks] viability, phase two has made them more viable than ever.
The full Combat talent tree accessible by this spec is another reason why you would want to consider it among other things. Just a Flesh Wound for instance is still an important rune in use while some new ones like Shuriken Toss could introduce much needed AoE potential to rogues. Group content might just become infested with rogue tanks if implemented correctly.
↖ Shaman: Elemental Surge
Elemental Shaman had problems in Phase 1 due to few spell ranks and talent availability. Probably this spec will enjoy a total rebirth in Phase 2 with upgrades across all fronts. Both Lightning Bolt as well as Chain Lightning now come at different character levels while Overload talent got an impressive proc chance boost.
Finally other runes include Lava Burst as well as Shamanistic Rage that further support Elemental Shamans releasing their uttermost destructiveness.
↖ Conclusion
Phase 2 of the Season of Discovery in Classic WoW is changing things up for all classes and specs, but some will get more mileage out of it than others. The specializations discussed here can redefine their roles and affect the meta of the game in a big way. These predictions give us an idea of what could be the new gold standard of Classic Wow when phase 2 officially hits.s
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