10 Most Profitable Gold Farms in Phase 2 | WoW Classic Season of Discovery
- Willie
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- WoW Classic SoD
- 02/21/24
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It's finally time to dig into the Phase 2 of the Season of Discovery and find out which are the top 10 gold farms that will give you all those shiny coins. No matter if you've been playing for years or if you just started today, these areas are great for everyone. So put on your helmet and let's start!
- 1. Wildvine Farm - Stranglethorn Vale
- 2. Solid Stone Farm - Badlands
- 3. Turtle Farm - Tanaris
- 4. Heart of Wild Farm - Swamp of Sorrows
- 5. Spider Meat Farm - Dustwallow Marsh
- 6. Dark Whelp Farm - Dustwallow Marsh
- 7. Red Whelp Farm - Badlands
- 8. Green Whelp Farm - Swamp of Sorrows
- 9. Raw Gold Farm - Stranglethorn Vale
- 10. Elemental Farm - Arathi Highlands
- Bonus Farm: Uldaman's RNG Extravaganza
↖ 1. Wildvine Farm - Stranglethorn Vale
The Stormsplitter trolls in this area have plants that are very valuable because they can be used to craft powerful gear during Phase 2. Be careful though. This is a PVP hot spot and you might get attacked while fighting them. But don't worry too much, there are a lot of enemies around here so it'll definitely be worth it.
↖ 2. Solid Stone Farm - Badlands
Solid Stones, Deeprock Salts and Elemental Earths can all be obtained from Rock Elementals that live in this barren land. You might even get lucky and find an item that can be sold for thousands at some point.
↖ 3. Turtle Farm - Tanaris
In Tanaris, you will find a variety of turtles that have excellent loot tables when skinned (Skinning is required). Scales, Meat and Big-Mouth Clams are all things that can be found when killed by skinners or looted by non-skinners near the shores. If you're lucky enough, maybe even pearls once in a while.
↖ 4. Heart of Wild Farm - Swamp of Sorrows
This farm could fetch a pretty penny but it requires quite some courage since it's far from being easy compared to other areas. In the Swamp of Sorrows, the only way you could get Heart of the Wild is by killing Swamp Walkers. The drop rate is fairly low but they're very important for crafting Phase 2 items.
↖ 5. Spider Meat Farm - Dustwallow Marsh
Not a fan of RNG? No problem! In this farm you will be able to get White Spider Meat from spiders in Dustwallow Marsh and it's all guaranteed. This meat is in high demand and used to craft Spider Sausages which are super useful consumables for every class.
↖ 6. Dark Whelp Farm - Dustwallow Marsh
Right next to the Spider Meat Farm, there are fiery whelps that have a chance of dropping Small Flame Sacs and the popular Dark Whelpling toy that so many players want. If you can skin them, even better since you'll be able to make some extra money thanks to it.
↖ 7. Red Whelp Farm - Badlands
If what you want is Small Flame Sacs or Dark Whelplings, then Badlands is also a great place for farming these whelps. Plus, they're also known for dropping BoEs that sell great during Phase 2's level range and if you happen to be a skinner, then your profits can go even higher with it.
↖ 8. Green Whelp Farm - Swamp of Sorrows
Back in Swamp of Sorrows we have lower-level whelps that might drop Small Flame Sacs and an ultra rare Tiny Emerald Whelpling toy when killed by skinners (Skinning required). Even though their level is low compared to others mentioned before, it'll still require quite some effort since they're hard to come by in groups.
↖ 9. Raw Gold Farm - Stranglethorn Vale
The last one we have isn't fancy at all but if raw gold is what you need then go run around Stranglethorn Vale and start killing Basilisks. They drop grey items that you can sell to vendors, which will give you immediate gold. And if you're a skinner, then it'll be even better since you can always choose to auction your skins instead of vendoring them.
↖ 10. Elemental Farm - Arathi Highlands
Arathi Highlands is home to four elemental types, all of which can be farmed for different items.
Fire Elementals drop Burning Charms
Air Elementals yield Thundering Charms
Water Elementals provide Elemental Water
Earth Elementals offer Solid Stone and Elemental Earth
Each of these spots has its unique reward structure and potential BoE drops.
↖ Bonus Farm: Uldaman's RNG Extravaganza
If you're feeling lucky, the trash mobs in Uldaman drop BoEs Items that are worth thousands of gold. This dungeon is the fastest way to get the Phase 2 valuable items as a solo player or group.
So there it is – the top 10 gold farms in WoW's Season of Discovery Phase 2!
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