All Classes DPS Ultimate Builds Guide in Phase 2 | Season of Discovery
- Cheryl
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- WoW Classic SoD
- 02/22/24
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In Season of Discovery Phase 2, dominate the battleground with our definitive for each class DPS guide. You will learn about every stat, gear, and rotation you need to maximize your damage output in Phase 2 (Arms Warrior, Flury Warrior, Warlock, Shaman, Combat Rogue, Tank Rouge, Priest, Paladin, Fire Mage, Hunter & Druid). So now let us get right down to it and take a look at what exactly makes you the DPS powerhouse in your raid.
- Arms Warrior DPS Build
- Fury Warrior DPS Build
- Warlock DPS Build
- Shaman DPS Build
- Combat Rogue Build
- Rogue Tanks Build
- Priest Healing Build
- Paladin DPS Build
- Fire Mage DPS Build
- Hunter DPS Build
- Druid DPS Build
↖ Arms Warrior DPS Build
Stat Priority
Before we start whetting our blades, let's absorb the stats that make us invincible. At the level of 40, aim for a 9% hit cap – and gets you constant DPSing without any miss. Strength and attack power are at the very top when it comes to simming I have done, with agility just behind them all. Next is crits but then don't worry about other stats – stamina etc – we will get you geared right.
Our talents are all about swinging a two-hander like there's no tomorrow. Here's how it goes:
- Rend Mastery (3/3): Pump up your bleed damage so that bosses cry.
- Heroic Strike Cost Reduction (3/3): Cut down on rage costs and keep hitting.
- Tactical Mastery (5/5): Learn stance dancing like a pro without running out of rage.
- Anger Management (1/1): Keep your rage burning in-between fights.
- Overpower Bonus (2/2): Crits so huge even enemies would have second thoughts about their own life choices.
- Deep Wounds(3/3): Turn those crits into blood bath.
- Impale(2/2): Make your critical strikes hurt even more.
- Two-Handed Weapon Specialization(5/5): Scale up your damage and every blow counts!
- Axe Specialization(5/5) : This is because who wouldn't want to see many more axe crits?
- Sweeping Strikes (1/1) – Divisive anger which boosts your rage gain while using WhirlWind Axe.
- Mortal Strike(1/1)– Your main source of damage; this is a thorn in the healer's side.
Put on runes that fit with our hard-hitting abilities:
- Chest: Raging Blow for 100% weapon damage.
- Hands: Endless Rage for constant rage generation.
- Waist: Focus Rage reduces rage cost.
- Feet: Rallying Cry enhances your allies' Hp.
Pre-Bis Gear:
However, before you are dressed to the nines in BIS gear, here are some things that will get you prepared for battle:
- Auction House Greens – Look for gear with strength on it!
- PvP Rewards – Get rings from honor and reputation.
- Scarlet Monastery – Fiery War Axe is on fire.
- Whirlwind Weapon Quests- Go grab a Whirlwind Axe and feel like a warrior for once.
BiS Gear:
The absolute best of the best in any warrior's armory:
- Helmet: Tempered Interference Negating Helmet has everything—strength, stamina, and an ability that can be used at the right time.
- Shoulders: Trogg Slayer Pauldrons because who doesn't want more attack power?
- Chest/Legs/Boots: Insulated Lever Gear may look like leather but it's all about the stats.
Blacksmithing is obviously your go-to profession but consider these too:
- Enchanting -sigils that pack quite a punch.
- Alchemy- potions to get through tough battles.
Keep it simple:
- Begin in Berserker Stance with Raging Blow and Whirlwind;
- Deal out massive damage with mortal strike;
- Dump rage then swap to Battle Stance for Overpower;
- Berserker stance and repeat.
↖ Fury Warrior DPS Build
Stat Priority:
When it comes to obliterating foes, knowing what stats matter most is crucial. Here's how they rank:
- Hit Chance (9%): Misses are not allowed so make each hit count!
- Critical Strike (Crit): More crits mean more damage; plain as day.
- Strength: Bulk up those strikes.
- Agility: Fancy footwork amidst your frenzy.
- Attack Power: It's a cherry on top that amplifies damage done.
Your choice of talents can make or break your DPS. Let's take a look at two builds:
Two-Handed Talent Build:
- Cruelty (5/5): Increases melee critical strike chance by 5%.
- Unbridled Wrath (5/5): It can provide additional rage after every hit.
- Improved Battle Shout (5/5): Provides more melee attack power from your shout.
- Improved Cleave & Execute: Greater damage and lower mana cost for these actions.
- Enrage & Flurry: Deal more damage faster after being hit by a crit.
- Bloodthirst: Your healing attack plus an offensive ability.
Dual Wielding Talent Build:
- Move Improved Cleave & Execute points to Dual Wield Specialization to enhance offhand damage output.
- Adjust runes accordingly (more on that below).
Runes are pretty much like tattoos on weapons, they express something about destruction through their various designs.
- Flagellation & Frenzied Assault: These two runes increase the physical damage and the attack speed of two-handed weapons
- Consumed by Rage: These are good for when you have lots of rage and want some extra DPS (damage per second) in melee combat.
- Quick Strike & Blood Surge: Use abilities quickly and use up less energy while at it with these enchantments on your gear.
Pre-Bis Gear:
Before you strut into the big leagues with BiS gear, there are some worthy mentions:
- Alderman & Razorfen Downs Gear: The most pre-BiS choices out there.
- PvP Gear: Don't forget about battlegrounds as sources of really nice stuff.
BiS Gear:
Here's where we separate the soldiers from the champions:
- Tempered Saronite Helm: A cool shiny helmet that has some critical strike rating as well as haste rating.
- Truestrike Shoulders & Drape of Unyielding Strength: They move closer to raiding gear in terms of stats and quality.
- Insulated Armor Set: It may look like leather but it's actually packed with all those stats you are looking for.
- Berserker Bracers & Cogmaster's Wrench: Grab your enemy's weapon with all the power of your wrists.
Professions aren't just for show; they're for the show-down:
- Blacksmithing & Engineering: Get an edge over others through crafting gear and gadgets.
- Enchanting: Use temporary item enhancements to boost self.
- Spider Sausage & Dragonbreath Chili: Eat them both to get some additional fire damage bonus.
- Elixirs of Ogre Strength & Agility: Drink to become braver or more agile in WoW world.
↖ Warlock DPS Build
Stat Priority:
In the world about DPS, stats are like your daily bread and butter. Here's what to chew on as a Warlock phase 2:
- Hit chance: Accuracy is the main thing; make sure you cast spells.
- Crit Chance: They come with a punch—aim to land them more often.
- Spell/Fire Damage: The bigger the fire, the hotter it burns stack it!
- Intellect: More mana and crit chance? Yes, please.
- Spirit: Leftovers? If you have room, sprinkle in some Spirit.
The right talents can make or break your warlock. Below is a fiery amalgamation that gives you maximum DPS:
- Cataclysm (5/5): Take off that amount of mana spent on destruction spells.
- Bane (5/5): Your Shadow Bolt and Immolate will be faster; your soulfire will be supercharged too.
- Devastation (5/5): Increase that crit chance for destruction spells.
- Improved Firebolt (2/2): Let your imp throw fire rapidly
- Intensity (2/2): Cast while taking damage without blinking an eye
- Shadowburn (1/1): Quick dark burst with a shot at soul shard.
- Improved Immolate (5/5): Set ablaze with even greater intensity those who oppose you
- Ruin(1/1): Double down on crit damage—because why not?
- Emberstorm (5/5): Boost up your fire spell damage percentage and see this world burn for realz!
Runes are like sprinkles on top of your ice cream for making it vibrate explosively! So here are some examples;
- Chest – Lake of Fire rune for extra sizzle on fire damage;
- Legs – Incinerate rune to increase fire damage after burning foes;
- Hands – Chaos Bolt rune for unblockable fiery doom;
- Waist – Shadow and Flame rune to take advantage of those criticals.
- Feet – Demonic Knowledge rune to synergize with your demons stats.
Pre-Bis Gear:
Gearing up? Look for pieces with fiery flair. Auction house greens with Firey Wrath are budget-friendly and effective. Keep your Phase 1 gear from BFD if it's still kicking around.
BiS Gear:
For BiS gear, shape your fate with crafted items like Neurolink Arcano Filament Monocore. Combine that with some PvP rewards such as Bloodrock Cloak then chase after dungeon drops such as Luna Mantle. Also remember engineering goodie like the Hyperconductive Gold Wrap if you can dual-wield it with your tailoring epic.
Professions & Consumables:
Your choice of profession can add that extra edge:
- Tailoring: For crafting some of your BiS gear.
- Enchanting: For those spell power boosts.
- Alchemy: For potent potions that pack a punch.
Don't skimp on consumables:
- Greater Mana Potions: Keep that mana pool topped off.
- Lesser Arcane Elixirs: A little extra spell power never hurts.
- Food: Sagefish Delight or Spider Sausage for that stat boost.
↖ Shaman DPS Build
Stat Priority:
- Aim for hit chance that does not overgear but talents are the green light here.
- Critical Strike Chance: Crits are your bread and butter more – crits, more fun!
- Strength: Muscles matter; pump up that attack power.
- Agility: Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and…more crits!
- Attack Power: The more the merrier; hit them like a truck.
Dive into Enhancement with enthusiasm.
- Take Ancestral Knowledge (5/5) first - mana is manageable in this phase.
- Those who love Ghost Wolf can choose two points to get instant cast.
- Thundering Strikes (5/5) - nothing better than critical bliss
- Totem buffs? Yes! Make those earthy and airy friends stronger with 2 points of it as well
- Dual wield or 2-handed weapon path – I'm on team Dual Wield here though
- Flurry (5/5) because faster swings after a nice crit just make sense?
- Increase the potency of wind fury and flame tongue weapon totems for better DPS performance.
- Weapon Mastery and Storm Strike are obvious choices considering increased damage and zap procs!
- Dual Wield Specialization should please all dual wielders
- Reduce damage taken when you put Shamanistic Rage on your leg slot to recover some mana for healing abilities.
- Lava Lash is what your hands should use because…lava.
- Are you focusing on single targets? Maelstrom Weapon is your rune then.
- Fire Nova Rune – AoE lovers rejoice!
- Spirit of the Alpha works best for tanks in our group since we are kind-hearted people
Pre-Bis Gear:
Look for items labeled of the Tiger, of Strength, or of Power.
- BoE's – your treasure trove on the auction house.
- Run those dungeons and engage in PVP to earn some good starting gear.
BiS Gear:
- Leatherworking will give you the Glowing Neurolink Cowl.
- Nomigan's Peace Officer's Talk and Trog Slayer Pauldrons for shoulders.
- Unique items from PvP events, like Blood Wrench Cape are another option, by the way!
- Get Noman set pieces for a massive attack power boost.
- Leatherworking for BiS helm.
- Essential consumables: Elixir of Agility, Ogre Strength and Dragon Breath Chili.
- Fill with Lightning Bolt (and instant cast – Maelstrom stacks).
- Windfury and Flamentongue are your best friends – keep them up.
- For mana conservation or mitigation Shamanistic Rage should be employed sparingly.
- Lava Lash and Storm Strike respectively must not go off cooldowns until they do so again….
- Earth Shock hits harder than any other general-purpose shock spell available to the class.
- Flame Shock is useful as an additional damage over time effect which applies a fire dot to an enemy target.
↖ Combat Rogue Build
Stat Priority:
When it comes to stats, think of it like making the perfect poison - it's all about the mix. Here's what you'll need:
- Hit Chance: The bread and butter. You can't do damage if you don't hit, right? Aim for this mainly through talents.
- Agility: For that sweet, sweet dodge and armor.
- Force & Attack Power: More muscle means more damage.
- Crit Chance: Last but not least, everyone loves a good crit.
Let's dive into the talent pool and pick out the gems:
- Improved Gouge: 3 points for that extra stick-around time.
- Lightning Reflexes: 2 points because dodging is just as cool as hitting.
- Precision: 5 points because hitting is really important (did I mention that?).
- Improved Backstab: 3 points because Mutilate loves backstab buffs.
- Endurance: 2 points for when you need to sprint or evade... quickly enough
- Dual Wield Specialization & Dagger Specialization: Max these out to make both your pointy friends equally deadly.
- Blade Flurry & Weapon Expertise: Because who doesn't like hitting more things faster?
- Adrenaline Rush: For when you need energy like you need air.
Now onto the runes that make your rotation smoother than a gnome's head:
- Chest Rune (Deadly Brew): It's like a poison buffet on your target.
- Leg Rune (Envenom): Your finishing move should be as dramatic as your entrance.
- Mutilate Rune – Double the blades, double the fun!
- Waist Rune (Shadow Step): Sneak up on your enemies like a whisper in the dark
- Foot Rune (Master of Subtlety): Because subtlety is… well, you get it.
Rotation-wise, keep it slick:
- Start stealthy with Garrote.
- Mutilate for combo points.
- Keep Slice and Dice up like it's your favorite pet.
- Finish with Envenom.
And remember to use Adrenaline Rush with Blade Flurry for that sweet synergy
Pre-Bis Gear:
Before you hit the big leagues, you'll want to grab some decent gear without emptying your coin purse:
- Look for quests with tasty rewards like Humbert's Helm.
- PVP your way to glory and gear
- World drops are your friend - especially with "of Power" or "of the Tiger" suffixes.
BiS Gear:
When you're ready to strut in style:
- Glowing Neuro Link Cowl: It's like a thinking cap but for stabbing.
- Neuro Peace Officer Torque: Smart and sharp – a killer combo.
- Insulated Set – Stay warm while you chill your enemies' hearts!
- For weapons, get those daggers - Toxic Revenger and Gut Ripper are names that promise pain.
Professions & Consumables:
Here's what you'll want to cook up success:
- Leatherworking: It's not just about looking good in leather; it's about making it too.
- Enchanting : For that extra oomph when you hit.
↖ Rogue Tanks Build
Stat Priority:
- Hit chance (talents exceed the quality of gear)
- Agility
- Strength
- Attack power
- Crit chance
For DPS mastery, stats are everything. Rather than gear, take as much hit chance from talents as you can. This should include agility, which provides not only critical hits but also dodge, and strength or Attack Power for damage purposes at the end. Lastly, there is always the need to consider crit chance as an icing on a cake.
- Improved Gouge (3/3)
- Lightning Reflexes (2/5)
- Precision (5/5)
- Improved Backstab (3/3)
- Endurance (2/2)
- Dual Wield Specialization (5/5)
- Dagger Specialization (5/5)
- Blade Flurry (1/1)
- Weapon Expertise (2/2)
- Adrenaline Rush (1/1)
When it comes to talents, play smart! Make sure you boost the duration of gouge by choosing improved gouge and increase your dodge rate with lightning reflexes while remaining focused with precision of skills that will help improve aim in order to have good results in hitting enemies effortlessly using backstab as well as having endurance that helps keep your cooldowns short and sweet if needed.
Dual wield specialization is for those who use daggers and know their worth while dagger specialization makes it easier to dual wield daggers. The attack speed of blade flurry cannot be missed at all since weapon expertise further sharpens your skills.\n\nFinally, adrenal rush should be used so that energy is not wasted when necessary.
Runes & Rotation:
- Chest: Deadly Brew
- Legs: Envenom
- Waist: Shadow Step or Shuriken Toss
- Feet: Master of Subtlety
When it comes to runes, you can make some poisonous liquids without troubling your weapons. Envenom your legs for a brutal finish; choose Shadow Step if you want to be more mobile and flashier with AOE or Shuriken Toss. For the feet, have a slight boost in damage that is given by Master of Subtlety.
Your rotation is an elegant dance of death: keep Slice and Dice up, Mutilate as your combo builder, and Envenom to finish 'em off. Use Adrenaline Rush with Blade Flurry for a frenzied ballet of blades.
Pre-Bis Gear:
- Humbert's Helm
- PvP Honors from Warsong
- Auction House finds with "of Power" or "of the Tiger"
Not yet geared to the teeth? No problem! A Humbert's Helm will be good enough to start you off fine, besides, warsong honors are going to do wonders for you. Keep an eye on the Auction House for those "of Power" or "of the Tiger" pieces – they're gold.
BiS Gear:
- Head: Glowing Neuro Link Cowl
- Neck: Neuro Peace Officer Torque
- Back: Dark Hooded CL Cape
- Chest/Legs/Boots: Insulated Set
- Main Hand: Toxic Revenger
- Offhand: Gut Ripper
- Gloves: Machinist's Gloves
- Belt: Skull Duggery Waistband
As far as BiS gear goes, think about how much better can we get neuro link cowl amplifies hit and speed-- but beware its bite. The neuro peace officer torque hangs around the neck like no other one does. Dark CL hooded cape stoles your heart away because it has style plus stats.Insulated set makes you warm and deadly at the same time.
For weapons, tight revenger and gut ripper are the best. Gnomeregan should have Machinist's gloves as its default setting because why not that's why. Holding everything together is the Skull Duggery Waistband.
Consumables & Professions:
- Elixirs of Agility
- Dragon Breath Chili
- Spider Sausage
- Enchanting or Leatherworking
Drink some elixirs of agility to get ahead. Turn up the heat with dragon breath chili; it's a real DPS chart burner. Do you take spider sausage lightly? It must never be served only at breakfast time.\n\nWhen it comes to professions, enchanting is magical while leatherworking makes you a tanky killer.
↖ Priest Healing Build
Stat Priority:
To begin with, let's discuss how your healing works. You should prioritize your stats like a champion:
- MP5 (Mana per 5 seconds): It is like when a baker runs out of flour- it spells doom.
- Intellect: Need more mana and critical strike? Well, I wouldn't mind that!
- Spell Power: That's because the heals you are casting are supposed to be as fatty as the tank you're trying to keep alive.
- Spirit: A bit of passive mana regen never killed anyone.
- Spell Crit: More oomph from crits- but it's just icing on the cake not the cake itself.
Skill Books:
Skill books are similar to cheat codes for your character. Get 'Increased Fortitude' for buffing Power Word: Fortitude without going broke on mana. And what about Shadowfiend? This is like having a biting mana battery – must have for those long fights.
Choosing your talents is a lot like selecting superhero costumes – make sure they match your style in every sense of the word! Here's my quick take:
- Wand Specialization: Sometimes all that remains is zapping something unimportant.
- Improved Power Word: Shield: Just think about surrounding your friends with bubble wrap but rather a more effective one.
- Mental Agility: Less cost for instant spells = win-win situation!
- Divine Spirit: Increase someone else or yourself in spirit through this spell; it feels as if you are sharing a warm blanket together.
- Power Infusion: Unleash an explosion of power when things get difficult.
Runes & Rotation:
Runes are similar to those extra features you find in video games- they make everything better off. Look out ones that strengthen renew and shield spells. As far as rotation goes, simple does it:
- Renew brings that steady, healing goodness.
- Power Word: Shield is there to prevent boo-boos before they occur.
- Penance just cause it's awesome
Pre-Bis Gear:
Before you get into the major leagues, you'll need some starter gear. Look for stuff with high intellect, spirit and healing power- like hand-me-downs from a wise healer.
BiS Gear:
BiS gear is much like having a superhero cape on because it shows you're serious about this! You should be looking out for items from Noman instances that will maximize your healing and mana regen.
Consumables & Professions:
- Consumables are similar to those energy drinks- when things get tough they give you an extra push. Get many mana potions and elixirs that bump up your spell power.
- As for professions, tailoring and enchanting are the way to go – create your own gear or enhance what you have with powerful buffs.
↖ Paladin DPS Build
Stat Priority:
Not all stats are created equal in the realm. Some tips on stacking what you want:
- Crit Chance: The life and soul of those sweet heals.
- MP5 (Mana per 5 Seconds): Keep that mana pool afloat.
- Healing Power: Stronger heals come with more power.
- Intellect: Amp your mana pool and crit chance.
- Spirit: At bottom, but still helps in regenerating mana.
Here is a divine insight into talents:
- Divine Intellect (5/5): The easiest intellect boost for someone who thinks hard enough.
- Spiritual Focus (5/5): They will not stop even if they keep hitting you.
- Healing Light (3/3): Give your basic healing spells an extra boost of energy.
- Consecration (1/1): Smite through the ground under enemies' feet with holy fire!
- Improved Lay on Hands (2/2): Put some beef around your emergency heal by adding armor bonuses to it.
- Unyielding Faith (1/1): Because fear and disorientation can go to hell!
- Improved Blessing of Wisdom (2/2): Let this bless your mana welfare home!
- Illumination (5/5): Mana-giving critical strikes' galore!
- Divine Favor (1/1): And make sure it's a critical strike at least once in awhile too…
- Holy Power (5/5): If crits was what you wished for, then crits shall be given unto thee!
- Holy Shock (1/1) - Zap foes or moisturize allies every 30 seconds….
The runes include:
- Divine Storm Rune: AOE healing plus damage? Yeah, baby!
- Horn of Valor Rune: A little buff to strength and agility for the group goes a long way.
- Rebuke Rune: Because sometimes you just have to shout "Stop it!" at enemy casters.
- Beacon of Light Rune: The most paladiny paladin spell ever, all the love for everyone.
- Sheath of Light Rune: Turn your power into light that heals!
- Sacred Shield Rune: A bubble that raises crits? That's divine!
BiS Gear:
This is the holy grail of gear:
- Head: Neurolink Arcano-Filament Monocle - Mana efficiency meets damage.
- Shoulders: Synthetic Mantle – More healing on your shoulders.
- Chest: Shock-Forged Breastplate – Stylish plate with crit and healing.
- Wrist: Tinker's Wrist Wraps -You should be oozing out heals from every pore.
- Hands: Silk Slick Fingerless Gloves – Still top dog since Phase 1.
- Waist: Mechmender's Sash -Wrap those hips in MP5 and some healz.
- Legs & Boots.- Part of the Shock-Forged set for that awesome set bonus.
- Rings & Trinkets. Amplifiers for your altruism include Hypercharged Gear of Innovation and Acolyte's Void Pearl accessories.
- Tailoring—So you can make a monocle which looks beyond time into how we will heal in the future.
- Enchanting—Combine this with tailoring to get enchanting bonuses too if desired.
- Sagefish Delight—Snack which gives back mana
- Greater Mana Potion—When your pool gets parched
- Lesser Arcane Elixir-- Some extra punch to your holy damage
↖ Fire Mage DPS Build
Stat Priority:
Conclusively, when it comes to stats, you need to hit the bull's eye and make it burn. Here are things to concentrate on:
- Hit Chance: It is of utmost importance for your fireballs not to be wasted!
- Critical Strike: This is your bread and butter- make every strike count.
- Spell Power/Fire Damage: Pump up those fireworks equitably.
- Intellect: More mana equals more firepower.
- Spirit: It exists just there but don't break sweat over it as your hands are full burning everything in sight.
Let us organize your talent tree so that it ignites the most:
- Improved Fireball (5/5): Quicker fireballs guarantee more fires through more frequent incinerations
- Ignite (5/5): Maintain the flame – your crits will keep burning.
- Critical Strike Enhancements: Boosts critical blazes with Fireblast and Scorch enhancements.
- Pyroblast & Improved Fire Blast: Massive explosions along with faster cooldowns provide a flaming dream come true.
- Improved Scorch (3/3): Make them feel vulnerable with stackable vulnerability debuffs.
- Master of Elements (3/3): Get back mana from crits– keep that fire blazing.
- Blast Wave: When surrounded by tender fuel, use this AoE burst.
- Critical Mass & Firepower: Additional crits equals additional damage — it's a win-win situation here,
- Combustion: Be ready for unruly reactions following critical hit rampage!
Runes & Rotation:
Engrave these runes into your gear ‒ follow rotation ‒ nothing will impede blaze:
- Chest (Burnout) – Supercharge your crits at cost of mana;
- Legs (Living Flame) – Unleash moving inferno on cooldown;
- Hands ‒ (Living Bomb) – Make your target an explosive device;
- Waist (Hot Streak) ‒ Chain those crits for instant Pyroblasts;
- Feet ‒ (Spell Power) — Pump up that crit damage for astronomical numbers.
- Maintain Scorch's vulnerability, cast Fire Blast whenever it is off cooldown, and use Fireball as a filler. You should also remember to detonate Living Flame and Living Bomb once they are ready.
We will not bore you with every detail (stay tuned for a deep dive video), but here is what you need to look for:
- Fiery Wrath gear from the Auction House
- Tailoring goodies like robes and gloves
- PvP rings for that extra oomph
- Quest rewards like Taba's Ragefire Wand
BiS Gear:
- Craft epic headgear by Tailoring
- Obtain cloaks and rings from farming dungeons or pvp events
- Grind rep for wrist bindings.
- Choose between Engineering or Tailoring based on your playstyle.
Choose professions that go along with your fiery temperament: tailoring with gears, engineering using gadgets, both if you are in industrial mood.
- Mana potions to keep the spells coming,
- Elixirs of Firepower or Arcane Elixirs will do you good as well,
- Spider Sausage or Kodo Stew would be quite nice to have.
↖ Hunter DPS Build
Stat Priority:
Firstly, let us discuss stats.
- Hit Rating: You need to always land your shots; it's a DPS loss!
- Crit Rating: Higher crits equal higher damage.
- Agility: It augments attack power and crit chance.
- Attack Power: It just increases the damage output.
- Stamina: It is there but we are not paying much attention to it.
Alrighty, now for the talents. We shall turn our pets into furry missiles of destruction.
- Improved Aspect of the Hawk (5/5): This thing's nice as hell with an increase in attack speed that it gives us.
- Thick Hide (3/3) and Improved Revive Pet (2/2): They are not exciting but they unlock some good stuff after all.
- Unleashed Fury (5/5): Our pets have 20% more damage done by them – this is massive boost!
- Bestial Swiftness (1/1) and Pathfinding (1/1): The fastest wins!
- Ferocity (5/5): Pets get a bonus chance to crit – you cannot argue with that.
- Bestial Discipline (2/2): More focus equals pet attacks galore!
- Intimidation (1/1): Getting through Bestial Wrath is everything about this talent.
- Frenzy (5/5): Right after each crit our pet strikes quickly.
- Bestial Wrath( 1/ 1 ): That huge red button of dishonest creature for blowing away its enemy totally.
Runes can change everything! Here's what you need:
- Heart of the Lion - Stat buffet for you and your buddies.
- Flanking Strike –Go into melee weaving
- Kill Command – A great choice if you don't like melee weaving.
- Chimera Shot - renews sting on target, deals instant damage.
Pre-Bis Gear:
Now let's talk about some gear that won't break the bank.
- Look for agi heavy pieces like "of Agility" or "of the Tiger".
- Leatherworking is an awesome profession to craft some quality leveling gear.
BiS Gear:
Now we will separate the puppies from the big dogs:
- Head: Helm of Glowing Neural Links – because a little shock therapy never hurt anyone, right?
- Neck: Gnomeregan Peace Officer's Torque – peace through superior firepower.
- Shoulders: Trogg Slayer Pauldrons – No to troggs!
- Chest & Legs: Electromagnetic Chain Mail – electrocuting your way to victory!
Professions & Consumables:
And finally, we also have extra stuff for you:
- Leatherworking and Engineering are great professions with some awesome gear choices.
- Consumables like Elixir of Agility and Spider Sausage can give you an upper hand.
↖ Druid DPS Build
Stat Priority:
To become the most effective predator, it is important to have the right statistics. Below are some you should focus on:
- Hit Chance: Avoid missing an opportunity (or rather, a bite) – ensure that you actually hit the boss.
- Crit Chance: More crits mean more rips. Keep those numbers high.
- Agility & Strength: In Phase 2, these two make the best combination; hence keep them close.
- Attack Power: The more the better – that's how you know they are spicing up your DPS life.
Skill Books:
New stage in life means new information needed. You should read these skill books for enhancement purposes:
- Deeper Wilds: This one helps when you want your Mark of the Wild to last longer and cost less mana.
- Revive: Sometimes friends fall down and need help rising again using a paw or two.
- Enhanced Restoration: Spread healing love to other druids too.
Develop your talents maximally for ferocity:
- Restoration Tree: Power shifting is incomplete without Furor.
- Feral Tree: Keep your damage razor-sharp by sharpened claws and blood frenzy.
- Leader of the Pack: It's quite sad but focus on personal DPS gain over party buffs.
Pre-BiS Gear:
Before going into endgame, put on these pre-BiS gear for BiS:
- Helmets: Wild Leather Helmet of the Tiger or any item with "of The Tiger".
- Shoulders: Failed Flying Experiment (a though quest but worth it) or Flintrock Shoulders;
- Neck: High Tide Choker or PvP medallions if you've been clawing through ranks;
- Cloak: Sergeant's Cloak from PvP or any BoE with good agility boost;
- Chest: Quillward Harness or Blaze Wind Breastplate – don't forget to enchant it!
- Gloves: Artifice Gloves of the Tiger or Void Touch Leather Gloves;
- Legs: Imposing Pants of Agility for that budget-friendly agility boost.
- Rings: Keep your Phase 1 PvP rings or snag an Ironspine's Eye.
- Weapons: Bloodb Crusher – technically, pre-raid BiS but too good not to mention.
BiS Gear:
Top-of-the-food-chain gear:
- Head: Leatherworking's Glowing Neuro Link Cowl – it's a no-brainer.
- Shoulders: Failed Flying Experiment still reigns supreme in the jungle.
- Chest: Insulated Chest Guard – okay, crit chance is everything if you ask me.
- Gloves: Machinists Gloves – perfect for mechanical smackdowns in Gnomeregan
- Belt: Skull Duggery Waistband – name says it all
- Legs & Boots: Complete your Insulated set for that sweet set bonus.
- Rings: Hypercharge Gear of Devastation and Protector's Band for balance and power
- Trinkets: Gymatic Experiment 420b with that attack speed buff and keep using that trusty mushroom from Phase 1.
Runes & Rotation:
Stitch these runes on your equipment and follow this rotation to be a purrfect killer:
- Chest Rune: Wild Strikes – let your party share in your feral frenzy;
- Leg Rune: Savage Roar – keep this up for a roaring good time;
- Hand Rune: Mangle - make those bleeds and shreds more hard-hitting
Rotation-wise, prioritize Mangle for combo points, keep Savage Roar active, use Rip for bleed targets, and Ferocious Bite as your filler. Don't forget to weave in Fairy Fire and make use of Berserk and King of the Jungle for energy management.
Consumables & Professions:
Take these consumables while considering professions that align with your feral lifestyle:
- Elixirs of Agility and Ogre Strength for stat boosts.
- After all, how many people don't enjoy dragon breath?
- It's either sagefish delight or spider sausage for my hunger.
Once armed with this knowledge, one can easily bulldoze through SoD Phase 2 for any class. Remember, the true build is forever learning and adapting. Get your gear ready, polish your talents and may you have many crits as you engage in glorious battles!
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