WoW Classic SoD DPS Tier List and Ranking
- Cheryl
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- WoW Classic SoD
- 03/08/24
- 533
At the heart of Phase 2 of Season of Discovery, we will delve into the mysteries that surround the DPS hierarchy. Who among them is unbeatable? Who is thundering? And who would be casting those spells that make enemies quiver with fear? Let's look more closely at B, A, S Tiers to know which classes have been making waves.
↖ How This works
Now let's get down to brass tacks and speak about methodology. Our DPS tier list is not a shot in the dark; it is an intricately constructed guide based on current logs, simulations, and skill ranks for classes (those new ranks can really turn the tides). We've also factored in utility because let's face it; raiding is a group activity that thrives on these buffs and abilities. Therefore take your favourite snack with you as we analyze some good options for Phase 2.
↖ S Tier
↖ Rogues DPS
First up in the S Tier are the Rogues. However, the future mechanical changes for mobs in Neron are still unknown but Rogue DPS is one thing not at all uncertain about. Eventually Assasination and Combat will be simming tentatively above 400 DPS each. Assasination rogues bring new talents like Cold Blood, Vile Poisons, and Seal Fate among many others. Meanwhile, combat enthusiasts can max out Dual Wield Specialization and get to talents such as Blade Fury and Adrenaline Rush that really matter.
However, AoE has traditionally been a thorn in the Rogue's side. Will Phase 2 introduce Fan of Knives for them? It's an exciting possibility. Utility-wise, Exposed Armor and Kick belong to Rogues for interrupting casts. And let's not forget about their PvP abilities with Blind and Kidney Shot finally coming into play.
Verdict: Irrespective of any mechanical tweaks; Rogues are going to be one of the highest damage classes in Phase 2 they may not have a mage's utility or paladins buffing capabilities but if it comes down to raw damage output then no other class gets close to them S Tier secured.
↖ Hunters DPS
Next in line for S Tier glory are the Hunters amongst us. For single-target destruction, Ferocity upticks Beast Mastery damage levels like never before while Frenzy just adds more on top of it. But don't ignore Marksmanship; Ranged Weapon Specialization gives a flat 5% damage boost while Mortal Shots provides a huge 30% range critical bonus.
AoE potential remains strong with Carve being introduced for melee cleave purposes alongside existing runes. Additionally though Volley unlocks at level 40 adding a massive AoE DPS boost of 50.
Utility isn't forgotten — Heart of the Lion is invaluable should your group be without a Paladin too yes that true shot aura in marksmanship also give a generous 50 attack power to party members.
Verdict: Phase 2 will see the Hunters hold their positions as the top damage dealers. With buffs like True Shot Aura, which make their contribution to any raid group even stronger, Hunters confidently claim their spot in S Tier.
↖ Warriors DPS
Last but certainly not least in our S Tier roundup are the Warriors. On single target damage Arms Warriors get strong talents including Impale and Two-Handed Weapon Specialization. Add a shiny new epic axe and you have got recipe for devastation.
Will mechanical units in Neron be susceptible to bleeds? Fury spec could surge ahead if it does not lose talents such as Death Wish.
When it comes to AoE prowess, both fury warriors and arms warriors are titans. Sweeping Strikes is brought into play by Arms while Improved Cleave by Fury. And let's not overlook Whirlwind—an ability that solidifies Warriors dps as AoE monarchs.
However, utility-wise, there might not be many options for them Thunder Armor and Battle Shout should be enough though given the current melee cleave meta are more than enough.
Verdict: Regardless of whether one wields an arms or a fury, warriors seem set to be the strongest DPS class going into phase 2 where abilities like Whirlwind for AoE dominance and talents such as Mortal Strike or Death Wish for single target encounters ensure they sit comfortably at top S Tier.
↖ A Tier
↖ Shaman DPS
The first on our A-Tier list is the Shaman. For single-target damage, Elemental Shamans (Ellies) have it all in their spellbooks. With Lightning Mastery and Elemental Mastery now going strong, along with new max ranks for Flame Shock and Lightning Bolt, Shamans are a force to be reckoned with.
Enhancement Shamans don't get left behind either. They are now able to completely utilize Flurry as well as five out of five Weapon Mastery in order to deliver brutal strikes. Moreover, let us take into account AoE – Molten Blast, Magma Totem, Fire Nova Totem and a hard-hitting chain lightning spell at full rank make them AoE aficionados.
What makes Shamans exceptional is their utility. In teams filled with Feral Druids Windfury Totem can change the game. It regenerates mana for raids while Shamanistic Rage is an important source of mana supply; also Strength of Earth and Mana Spring Totems are good options for any kind of party.
Verdict: With Windfury Totem introduction and being masterly PvP players Shamen are A-tier material offering strong support DPS in PvE at same time dealing formidable damage in PvP.
↖ Warlock DPS
Secondly, we have Warlocks whose Destruction Warlocks (Destro locks) remain the best among caster classes. Their talent tree looks amazing – Ruin gives large bonus critical strike through boosting at no cost while Emberstorm provides fire spells' flat 10% damage increase.
Affliction Warlocks though suffer from 10 man raid size and last rank of corruption is on level thirty four which does less damage than some lower level spells.
Warlocks excel when it comes to AoE damage done by Rain of Fire or Hellfire that gives almost double the amount of damage at your healer's sanity expense.
When it comes to utility, Warlocks provide Healthstones for instant HP gain, Fear for crowd control, Curse of Elements for caster groups and Curse of Recklessness for melee-focused teams.
Verdict: However, despite a few setbacks to the Affliction spec, Warlocks will be even stronger in Phase 2. They firmly secure their position within the A Tier.
↖ Druid DPS
Lastly, we have Druids. Feral Druids are still mandatory raid damage dealers with Wild Strikes and now have deeper talents in the Feral tree to increase their own damage further. However, they face tough choices with the level 40 cap between choosing Furor for extra energy or Leader of the Pack for crit buffs for melee allies.
While their AoE abilities may not be much to write home about Balance Druids (Boomkins) step up with huge passive damage increases from talents like Vengeance and Moonfury as well as one more rank of Wrath.
Boonkins however do have a standout ability in Hurricane – this spell makes them top tier AoE damagers come Phase 2.
As regards versatility, druids are unrivaled- they get an upgraded Battle Resurrection and Mark of the Wild at level 40; Fairy Fire to increase boss damage and Tranquility healing during emergency raids are some of their other great assets that make them one of the most non-specific classes.
Verdict: In phase 1 druids were highly sought after already and they only get better; consequently there is no chance that they would want to give up on their best A-tier position in Phase 2.
↖ B Tier
↖ Priest DPS
The enigmatic class starts us off in B Tier, Shadow Priest. On single target damage, Shadow Priests really shine due to its buffed Shadowform enhancing already strong spells such as Void Plague or Shadow Word: Death. However spell rank downsides result in somewhat lower DPS output per SWP than one might desire.
Their primary AoE tool is Mind Sear but it has its issues too. It scales better with more targets although its efficiency tends to diminish when there are groups of three to five mobs.
Utility-wise, they bring a lot to shadow priests by giving them things like shadow weaving that synergizes well with other affliction warlocks, fortitude buffs from priests when they fit into particular slots or act as an off-healer.
Verdict: Shadow Priests give more utility and single-target damage in Phase 1. Lacking a place in either high-level or speedrun compositions with 10-man raids, they are therefore assigned to the B Tier.
↖ Mage DPS
Next on the line for B Tier is the adaptable Mage. Fire Mages have particularly good single target DPS due to Improved Scorch, which also applies to other classes like Destruction Warlocks. Arcane Mages follow closely behind with new talents like Arcane Power and Presence of Mind boosting their damage outputs.
Mages are perfect when it comes to AOE damage. The addition of a new Frost Nova rank and upgraded Flamestrike greatly increases their AOE potential.
But what sets the class apart is its utility. They can teleport to major cities, conjure Mana Gems to offset mana issues; this means mages have become even more important than ever before. Their max rank Conjured Water is icing on the cake that makes them sought-after vending machines during raids.
Verdict: In Phase 2, Mages remain kings of AOE and offer irreplaceable raiding utilities. Raid groups will capitalize on their AE capabilities to rapidly clear trash while keeping everyone hydrated and charged. Accordingly, they would snugly fit into B Tier.
↖ Paladin DPS
The last one in this B Tier is Paladin, with skills like Crusader Strike and The Exorcism Rune that are single-target attacks for paladins. With specializations in two-handed weapons and Vengeance, their abilities for single target DPS will be further enhanced.
On the other hand, Divine Storm can hit four separate targets simultaneously, giving the class excellent AOE damage potential.
However, it is in terms of utility that Paladins outshine all other classes. They have many blessings to choose from such as Salvation, Kings, Freedom and Protection among others for raiding purposes. As for crowd control, Repentance is a guaranteed bet while mana issues are solved by Seal of Wisdom – a feature that would make any Horde player envious.
Verdict: Paladins bring very high utility whether they are serving as DPS or tanks allowing smoother raid experiences both within speed runs and pick-up groups. These wide-ranging capabilities along with their adaptability qualify them for a place amongst the rest of B Tier members.
Arriving at the end of our journey through DPS Tier List for Phase 2 of SoD, it is apparent that Rogues, Hunters and Warriors are competing to be the best damage dealers. Earlier on in the discussion, Hunters were seen as best in Phase 1 – however that was not a view taken by everyone.
So now what do you think? Which class do you think will come out on top in Phase 2? Personally, I am putting my money on Fury Warriors because they are incredible both in PvE and PvP.
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